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Family Dentist in Seattle, WA

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IV Sedation
Seattle, WA

Sedated woman in dental chair Queen Anne Family Dental in Seattle, WA 98109-2319Taking care of your mouth at home, with brushing and flossing, are essential oral health care habits to help prevent serious issues. However, they are only a part of the prevention process. Professional cleanings and exams are integral to your oral health. Without them, serious issues can arise that may require surgical procedures to treat. Oral surgery, even minor procedures, can be frightening. At Queen Anne Family Dental, we can help with IV sedation.

Why Sedation?

Fear and anxiety over oral surgery, or any dental treatment for that matter, can keep you from getting the treatment you need. However, the longer you go without treating dental issues, the worse they become. Sedation is a way to help ease your anxieties and allow you to relax in the dentist’s chair while we perform the necessary treatments. Sedation can also help if:
•  You have a low pain threshold, or your teeth are exceptionally sensitive.
•  You are unable to sit still for any length of time.
•  You have a bad gag reflex.
•  Your surgery is very involved and will take a long time, or you need to have several treatments completed in the same visit.

What is IV Sedation?

IV sedation is a type of moderate, conscious, sedation. It involves the use of medication that is delivered directly into your bloodstream. It takes effect almost immediately and makes you feel drowsy. IV sedation is known to produce an amnesic effect, meaning that you may not remember parts, or any, of your surgical procedure. There are different types of medication that might be used, depending upon your treatment and specific needs.

How Does IV Sedation Work?

There is some preparation that you will need to do before your procedure. It is important that you abstain from eating or drinking anything (including water, in most cases) for at least 6 to 8 hours beforehand. When you arrive for your procedure, we will insert a needle either into the back of your hand or your forearm. When we are ready to begin, the sedation medication will be administered. It usually goes to work within 30 seconds. Your sedation is monitored and controlled by one of our highly trained professionals.

Once your procedure is over, the medication will be stopped, and the needle removed. You will still feel very drowsy. It is essential that you have someone with you at your appointment who can drive you home. The effects of IV sedation can linger for several hours following your procedure, so resting for the remainder of the day is recommended. A set of post-surgical instructions will be provided to you before you leave.

Benefits and Drawbacks of IV Sedation

IV sedation has several benefits:
•  It goes to work within seconds.
•  Your sedation is monitored, and controlled, by a trained professional the entire time.
•  Sedation allows you to stay calm and relaxed throughout the duration of your procedure.

There are also a few drawbacks:
•  IV sedation requires the use of a needle, which is also a source of anxiety for some patients.
•  You cannot eat or drink before your procedure.
•  The effects of sedation will linger, which means you may feel groggy for several hours.
•  You may feel nauseous.

IV sedation can help you relax so that we can perform your necessary procedures, and help to restore the health of your mouth. If you are anxious about your dental procedure, whether it be dental implants or tooth extractions, call Queen Anne Family Dental at (206) 424-4450 today and find out if IV sedation is right for you.
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IV Sedation | Dentist Seattle, WA | Queen Anne Family Dental
Fear and anxiety over oral surgery can be combated with IV Sedation to help ease your anxieties and allow you to relax. Call Queen Anne Family Dental!
Queen Anne Family Dental, 14 Boston Street, Seattle, WA 98109-2319; (206) 424-4450;; 2/8/2025; Page Phrases: dentist Queen Anne Seattle;