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Queen Anne Family Dental

Queen Anne Family Dental
Family Dentist in Seattle, WA

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Dentistry for Kids
Seattle, WA

Blue wall with a blackboard that reads No Cavitiy Club with a shelf of stuffed animals below at Queen Anne Family Dental in Seattle, WA 98109-2319If you are like us, you have fond memories of the dentist. We loved going to the dentist. Our first dentist visit was amazing. We were fascinated by the instruments we saw in the office, and we loved that the dentist answered all of our questions. We didn’t feel any pain, and we weren’t nervous. Best of all? We got a shiny new toothbrush and toothpaste. We even got a treat for our visit, so what wasn’t to love? Maybe that’s why we became dentists in the first place, because we wanted to make children feel the same way we did.

We see dentistry as a mission. Many parents don’t realize they need to start bringing their children in to see us when their first tooth erupts. Children whose parents wait until they start school before they come in for an exam may face many problems later. Let us give you more information about dentistry for kids.

Why Baby Teeth Are Important

We have heard from many parents who say they are bringing their kids in to see us now because they are losing their baby teeth, or because they are about to start school. The parents’ figure since they have begun losing their baby teeth, now is the time for their first checkup. However, that isn’t the case. We need to see your child when they are still a baby. You need to bring your baby in to see us before their first birthday, or when their first teeth erupt because baby teeth pave the way for permanent teeth. They show the way for permanent teeth to grow and develop. Researchers have found that when baby teeth aren’t taken care of, the permanent teeth may not come in correctly. If children have poor oral hygiene, their permanent teeth may come in damaged, or they may not come in at all. The better you can take care of your young child’s teeth, the more likely your child’s permanent teeth will come in without problems.

Dentists and Children- How it Works

When we are examining your child’s teeth, the first thing we will do is take some time to greet your child. We want to get to know them because that will make their experience - and our job - much easier. Then we will look at your child’s teeth, to check and see if they are coming in correctly, or if there is damage. We want permanent teeth to come in properly. We may choose to take x-rays of your child’s teeth because we want to make sure there are no issues. X-rays can help us find cavities, gum disease, and problems with the jaw. We will also take the time to clean your child’s teeth to a bright, shiny whiteness. If tooth decay and cavities are severe we may also need to put a dental crown over the tooth to protect it.

After we have a look at your child’s teeth, we may be able to make recommendations for their care. We may have pointers for cleaning their teeth, such as toothbrushes and special toothpaste depending on their age. If you are a parent, and you want information so you can protect the teeth of your child, give Queen Anne Family Dental a call at (206) 424-4450.
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Dentistry for Kids | Dentist Seattle, WA | Queen Anne Family Dental
Many parents don’t realize they need to bring children in to see us before they even start school. Call Queen Ann Family Dental for your child's first visit!
Queen Anne Family Dental, 14 Boston Street, Seattle, WA 98109-2319 / (206) 424-4450 / / 2/8/2025 / Key Phrases: dentist Queen Anne Seattle /