Dental Implants FAQ Seattle, WA
Periodontal disease can lead to the loss of both soft and hard tissue. Advanced or chronic periodontitis can even lead to the loss of teeth. When tooth loss occurs, there are steps we can take to rebuild and restore this tissue, including the addition of permanently retained teeth. At Queen Anne Family Dental, we can surgically place a replacement root directly in the jawbone and then attach a crown, giving you a replacement tooth that not only looks real, but functions like one as well. Discover the difference that dental implants, or tooth implants, can make.
Having a tooth, or multiple teeth, restored with dental implants is different from other restorations. We reestablish the root which was lost when the tooth was lost. This means that once healed, you will have a firm tooth that you can use and chew with the same as if you had never lost the tooth. Additionally, this can be done without interfering with neighboring teeth as other restorations require.
What are dental implants?
A dental implant is a replacement root system. When a person loses a tooth, they lose the root and the connection with the jaw bone. This loss of connection is damaging to your jaw bone health. It would be like removing a middle brick from a wall. The structure is compromised. The implant is set into the jawbone and rests in the gum tissue restoring that missing piece. Once we have determined the bone has healed and grown around the tissue, we can then place a prosthetic to the new root, including a dental crown, bridge, or denture.
Dental implants are made of either titanium or a non-metallic ceramic. They are designed in shape to appear similar to a screw, with a threaded end and a head. The threaded end is surgically embedded into the jawbone. As the bone heals, it will grow around the large surface area of the threads fusing the two firmly together. The result is a stabilized structure that we can then use as an anchor for a replacement tooth.
Dental Implant Candidates
Dr. Corinne Reschenthaler at Queen Anne Family Dental is uniquely qualified to determine if you are a candidate for dental implants. Most patients can be candidates for placement, though sometimes some preparatory work needs to be done. We need to establish healthy and dense bone mass, and we need the patient to be able to heal at a reasonable rate. Healing effectively can be decreased due to certain medical conditions, medications you are taking, or personal habits such as smoking.
Benefits of Dental Implants
We recommend dental implants because an implant-supported restoration is the next best thing to your natural teeth. The implant becomes a part of you, mimicking the relationship between your natural teeth and jawbone. It will look, feel, and function just like any other tooth. The benefits are unmatched by any other traditional restorations.
Patients with implant retained dentures never have to worry about embarrassing slips or discomfort while eating meals, in social settings, or just through their normal day.
Implants are also better for your oral health. It is the only restorative dentistry that provides your jawbone the stimulation it needs to stay healthy.
Contact Us for a Consultation
You, too, can experience the wonderful benefits of dental implants! Call (206) 424-4450 to schedule your initial consultation and find out more how a dental implant compares with a real tooth.