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Queen Anne Family Dental

Queen Anne Family Dental
Family Dentist in Seattle, WA

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Dental Cleaning
Seattle, WA

Patient room prepped for Dental cleaning at Queen Anne Family Dental in Seattle, WA 98109-2319Do you like to clean? We’re not going to lie - we’re not big fans of the whole cleaning business. It seems like such an annoying chore. You would think if you could clean a house once, it would just stay clean, but that’s not what happens, sadly. Not only do you have to do cleaning on a regular basis, but then you have to do deep cleanings at least twice a year. You know what those are. That’s the type of cleaning when you clean under your refrigerator, and you have to scrub the baseboards. We shudder just thinking about it.

The truth is, you need both types of cleaning to keep your home healthy and looking good for years to come. If you don’t clean, you won’t be able to tell when your house needs repairs. If your house has a small repair, and it goes unnoticed, it may lead to a big hassle later.

Dental cleanings work in much the same way. If you brush and floss every day, you are doing your regular cleaning chores. Then we step in and do a deep cleaning twice a year. If you continue this regimen, it will help you maintain your oral health for years to come. Let Queen Anne Family Dental tell you about dental cleanings.

What Should I Know About Dental Cleanings?

There are some things you need to know about dental cleanings. There are actually two parts to a dental checkup. We will perform a dental exam on your teeth, and then we will clean them. Each time we see you for a dental cleaning, we will first check to make sure you don’t have any cavities. We will check your mouth out with a mirror and also through digital radiography (x-rays). When we look at your mouth for that initial check, we are looking for any problems you might have. We need to look for cavities, plaque, and tartar.

We also check for any spots, bumps, or any other irregularities in your mouth. We may need to look at those areas further to see if you have a problem. We check your gums as well because we need to make sure you aren’t having a problem with gum disease. If you do have a lot of plaque or tartar on your teeth or at the gumline, we will need to make sure we clean it thoroughly.

We will first scrape any plaque or tartar off your teeth. While we can get plaque easily, tartar is more difficult. We have to use a tool to scrape off the tartar. We will then use polishing techniques to get your teeth sparkling clean. If you are unhappy with the color of your teeth after cleaning, we offer professional teeth whitening services to enhance the appearance of your smile.

Why Do My Teeth Need to be Cleaned?

Twice-yearly teeth cleaning is a vital part of your oral health. Research shows that people who brush and floss their teeth daily, and who visit us twice a year are more likely to keep their teeth. You might think that a lot of people have all of their teeth, but in reality, 120 million people have lost at least one tooth by the age of 50. If you want to keep your teeth for life, come visit Queen Anne Family Dental! Give us a call at (206) 424-4450. We would love to talk to you about how great dental cleanings are!
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Dental Cleanings | Dentist Seattle, WA | Queen Anne Family Dental
Not only do you have to do cleaning on a regular basis, but then you have to do deep cleanings at least twice a year. Call Queen Ann Family Dental today!
Queen Anne Family Dental, 14 Boston Street, Seattle, WA 98109-2319 • (206) 424-4450 • • 2/8/2025 • Tags: dentist Queen Anne Seattle •