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Dental Bonding
Seattle, WA

Image of a man smiling after his dental bonding treatment at Queen Anne Family Dental.If you are an adult, you have had your share of accidents. Some of those accidents happen to arms, legs, ankles - and teeth. We had a patient come in with a story to share recently. He was sitting at dinner with his wife and children, along with both sides of their family. He was chewing a piece of ice, which has been a lifelong habit. All of the sudden, he felt a hard piece in his mouth and found out he had broken a tooth.

Accidents happen that make us crack or chip a tooth. Did you know that if you crack or chip a tooth, it can be fixed quickly and easily? Let Queen Anne Family Dental take a minute to tell you about bonding. Bonding is a simple procedure to restore the look and feel of your natural teeth.

What is Bonding?

Dental bonding is a process we use to fix everyday mistakes. We use a bonding agent made of a combination of plastic and powdered glass. This agent makes teeth retain their strength and shine. In the past, bonding agents were made of gold or silver metals, but that made bonding very expensive. Only the richest people could afford this type of bonding. Bonding with precious metals gives the person prestige. However, people don’t want all of that shine in their mouths in the modern era. They want fillings and bondings that match the color of their teeth.

Bonding can be used to fix all kinds of problems with your mouth. Bonding can be shaped to correct all kinds of problems. If you chip your tooth, it can be fixed by using bonding. Bonding can also fix a tooth you managed to crack. If you have a discolored tooth, bonding can be placed over the tooth to make it look like your other teeth.

Sometimes, bonding can be used to fix teeth that are oddly shaped and poorly spaced. Bonding agents can create a tooth shape that looks more like your other teeth. It can also correct spacing. Bonding can restore your teeth’s sparkle, color, and shine. It is so natural looking, no one will be able to tell you’ve had it done - and we certainly aren’t going to spill your secrets.

How Long Does Bonding Last?

Bonding is considered a permanent fix for your teeth. If you take care of your bonded teeth, they can last for the rest of your life. However, nothing is perfect. Bonding, no matter how great it is, cannot match the strength of your natural tooth, so you need to treat your bonded tooth carefully. You will need to keep up your oral health. You need to brush and floss every day and come to visit us twice a year. If you don’t keep up your oral health, you can develop cavities underneath the bonding agent. Don’t chew hard foods such as ice, because this could break or crack your bonding.

Schedule an Appointment

If you have tooth accidents that need correcting, why not give us a call? Call
Queen Anne Family Dental at (206) 424-4450. We would love to talk to you about fixing all of your teeth issues. Give us a call today.

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Dental Bonding | Queen Anne Family Dental - Seattle, WA
Let Queen Anne Family Dental take a minute to tell you about dental bonding. Click to learn more.
Queen Anne Family Dental, 14 Boston Street, Seattle, WA 98109-2319 + (206) 424-4450 + + 2/8/2025 + Associated Words: dentist Queen Anne Seattle +