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Queen Anne Family Dental
Queen Anne Family Dental

Queen Anne Family Dental
Family Dentist in Seattle, WA

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CE & Dental Affiliations
Seattle, WA

When choosing a dentist, its important to find one with a hunger and curiosity for knowledge. Dr. Corinne and Dr. Grant spend countless hours each year advancing their education to meet the complex needs of their patients and provide the best service possible. They introduce evidence-based research into their practice daily and will never stop learning, reading, and pushing the envelope to best serve the needs of every patient at Queen Anne Family Dental.

Drs. Grant and Corinne Reschenthaler are Kois Trained

Kois trained dentists are passionate about what they do

Kois Dentists look forward to Monday. They love the work week, and they love to work with their patients. It’s a different kind of dentistry. Kois dentists are passionate about what they do, or they wouldn’t be taking extensive continuing education training. At Kois Center, the dentists are learning, so they are not just good dentists but great dentists. Their patients are their friends, neighbors, and they see them in the grocery store, and they want to be proud of what they’ve done.

The Kois Center is part of an educational network inspired by Dr. John Kois and populated by Kois trained dentists committed to a rigorous education program. Many Graduates go on to become Mentors and Clinical Instructors, returning to help the next generation of dentists go from good to great. The collaboration of these members has created an ever-expanding knowledge base at the Center and is a pathway for extraordinary professional growth.

Corinne standing with John Kois holding an award from  the KIOS Institute Dr. Corinne is a Kois Institute Graduate and continues to participate actively in their robust curriculum. The KOIS institute is a premiere dental education center right here in Seattle.

Grant standing with Randy Resnik holding an award from the Resnik Implant Institute Dr. Grant is a Reznik Implant Institute Fellow and has been trained in 3D guided implant placement and sinus augmentation.

Dental Affiliations

WSDA logo

Seattle King Dental Society logo

American Dental Association Logo

American Dental Association Logo

Kois Institute logo

American Academy of Implant Dentistry logo

KOIS Study Club logo

American Academy of Clear Aligners logo

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Queen Anne Family Dental, 14 Boston Street, Seattle, WA 98109-2319 + (206) 424-4450 + + 2/8/2025 + Related Phrases: dentist Queen Anne Seattle +